Cornish Shop is the Elixir of Health for Hayfever

With the hayfever season now in full swing, Elixir Health foods store in Wadebridge is giving its customers extra choice in dealing with their symptoms, with a unique and successful extension to its allergy range – HayMaxTM pollen barrier balms. And, as Elixir like to offer their customers the best value, customers can enjoy three pots of HayMax for the price of two…

Elixir Health Foods is a popular family owned high street store in Wadebridge, normally just called ‚Elixir‘ by locals. As a community store in the heart of the town, shoppers of all ages and lifestyles use the place. With a positive and upbeat attitude to health, its owners, Jason and Randi Henderson, try to make a difference. Their health food business is a good mix of food, vitamins and supplements, with on-going staff-training seen as essential.

Owner Jason Henderson explains, “Customers enjoy coming into our store because I think the staff are well-informed and enthusiastic. I’m pretty certain people return to a store if they’ve had a positive experience, normally shop-assistants who listen well and show they care about getting the right solutions to their enquires. In a health food store, it’s crucial staff know their products well.”

The store has recently started stocking HayMax pollen barrier balms – a brand that fits perfectly with their existing allergy products. Jason continues, “We’re doing well with HayMax. We only took it on back in April 2014 when we met the owner, Max Wiseberg at Olympia, and it has already sold out twice.”

“There seem to be a lot of allergy sufferers in Cornwall. Our county has been ranked among the worst places in the country for UV radiation. With all these allergens knocking around our lovely region and the popular outdoors lifestyle of many people, visitors and locals need a good variety of hayfever products. HayMax balms have plugged a gap for us.”

HayMax organic drug-free pollen barrier balm was invented by Max Wiseberg, a chronic hayfever sufferer since childhood. After years of trying all sorts of hayfever treatments without success, Max decided to try developing a product of his own, and created the balm that is now famously known as HayMax. The balm is simple to use; just dab a small amount around the nostrils morning and evening, and when you feel you allergy symptoms starting, to form an invisible barrier to pollen and dust and pet allergens.

HayMax is proven in independent trials by NPARU to trap dust and pet allergens and over 1/3 of pollen grains before they enter the body. It works by keeping the sufferer below their sensitivity level – the amount of allergen the body can tolerate before an allergic reaction is triggered – for longer. Less pollen, less sneezing and less itchy eyes.

Jason’s wife Randi continues “We’ve had excitement from our customers – they recognise it on the counter – ‘oh you do HayMax; that’s good to see’.”

“We sell a range of different supplements and products for allergy sufferers which we know our clients appreciate. HayMax sits well with the other products and doesn’t seem to affect their sales. People recognise it and buy because of its great promotion in the press. It’s selling itself, really, and it has been helpful to put it on the counter and have it in its promotional box. It’s clear what it is and says what it does on the tin.”

Jason and Randi always aim to provide the best value possible so they are offering special tins containing three pots of HayMax for the price of two. “This gives extra value to our customers. They can keep one at home, one in the car and one in their drawer at work, or one in the kitchen, one in the bedroom and one in their bag, so they always have one handy when they need it.”

You can find a full range of health products – including HayMax – at Elixir Health Foods in Molesworth Street, Wadebridge, Cornwall, or visit You can Buy HayMaxTM for £6.99 or take advantage of the HayMax tin 3 for 2 offer of £13.98 (3 individual pots would normally retail at £20.97).

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